Sandwich mounts are used in a wide variety of mechanical applications. They help in supporting a kind of equipment from engine suspension to rubber isolation feet etc. Hence if you want to buy these crucial parts for your mechanical device, it’s important that you pick a high-quality product that will work properly and have a longer lifespan.
These mountings are available in various shapes, sizes & materials. So before you purchase your product, you need to do a proper analysis of the type of mount you require. Sujan Industries is the manufacturer and supplier of premium quality sandwich mountings & other various rubber products in India and abroad. And here in this guide, we’ve tried to give you an overview of this crucial product and help you choose your best one.
The name “sandwich mount” was given to this part due to its shape. Two or more metal plates are used to sandwich a rubber piece. These parts are often used for anti-vibration, noise absorption, high compression, heavy load requirements. These mounts ensure a rubber break between two metal surfaces since each side of the sandwich is connected to each side with rubber in the middle.
If used as a motor mount, they will ensure the minimum movement, vibration and transfer of the vibration of the engine to the car frame. Apart from that, the sandwich mounting also reduces damage and enhances the lifespan of the internal parts like the engine and the frame. And this way they protect the machine and the operator from the damage caused by such unwanted and unnecessary vibration.
Different sandwich mounts come in different shapes, as we have already mentioned. And because of this, all of the mounts don’t have the same parts. However, the general construction of a sandwich mounting is as follows:
Metal plates & Inserts: Metal plates are found at both ends of the mount.
Rubber: The rubber part is placed between the sandwich plates. It helps to minimize vibration and noise.
Threads: There can be different types of screw threads in the sandwich mountings. A screw thread is a hump that wraps around the part.
Stud: The stud of any sandwich mounting comes through the plates and the piece of rubber. It may be visible only on one side of the mount.
However, some of the mountings might have rectangular or square sandwich plates with round rubber parts, while others have only one stud or no studs at all.
Using premium quality sandwich mountings can get you a lot of benefits like the following:
Simple design: These mountings have a simple design, have different types, and can offer space-saving solutions. Mainly because of the minimal design, the mounts can offer the right solution to the size and mounting requirements.
Can carry heavy loads: Sandwich mounts come in a broad range that has the capacity to carry heavy loads.
Have high strength bond: High strength bonding is another benefit of the mountings. These parts are generally rubber-to-metal bonded parts and hence they stick together.
Provides high compressive strength: These mounting provide especially high compression.
Controls energy: Sandwich mountings exhibit excellent energy control. It protects the key parts from getting damaged by the vibrations.
Easy to install: Due to the size and simplicity of the design, these mounts are easy to install and run.
Requires little or zero maintenance: Rubber is such a material that requires very little maintenance. And hence after installing these sandwich mountings you don’t need to put any extra effort into their maintenance. Only need to replace them whenever required.
Sandwich mountings are immensely versatile and are used in almost every mechanical device. Whenever a rubber break is required between two fronts to absorb energy, noise and vibration, sandwich mounts are used there. Here is some important industrial application of Sandwich Mounts:
Getting premium quality sandwich mountings are very important to ensure a long lifespan and smooth functioning of the mechanical device. And the best way to choose the right parts is to choose the most trusted rubber parts manufacturer. Sujan Industries is the leading name in the rubber parts manufacturing industry. We provide premium quality customized rubber, rubber to metal bonded components, Plastic & Casting products to the core industries like Railway, Automotive, Aerospace, Defense, Power, Electrical etc. in India and abroad. So if you are looking for the best quality sandwich mounting and other products for your industrial needs, get in touch with us.